Wood rod milling machine- TA 30
Machine for the production of wooden bars
Automatic feed machine to produce small and medium quantities of STRAIGHT wooden rods, having diameters range from 6 to 30 mm.; this unit works with fix diameter tools, to be replaced per each size and by mounting a specific equipment is possible to make round rods with helicoidal fluting to obtain dowels for furniture components or windows and doors frames.
Average productivity of this unit is around 4 mt/minute.
Technical data:
Minimum diameter: 6 mm. | Productivity: 2,8/14,3 mt./min. |
Maximum diameter: 30 mm. | Motors voltage: 400V/50 Hz. |
Minimum lenght: 350 mm. | Tool rotation motor: 1,5 Kw. |
Maximum lenght: unlimited | Gear motor with adjustable speed: 0,22 Kw. |
Wood rod milling machine - TA 30 accessories:
{cmvideome src=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ladRgZB407I, customcss= width:70%;}
Machine - TA 30 is suitable for production of: